Same Worldwide

We know what it's like to see dreams die on the vine.
That is why we set out on a mission to help you reset from modern-day distractions by offering you practical tools for denoizing and self-discovery.

Or get to know us better

What We Do

SAME is an initiative by Samuel van Keeken and Merette van Hijfte, created to help individuals around the world in their pursuit of Self-discovery.With our background as performance artists, we feel that the artistic training we enjoyed is not only applicable to artists - It is applicable to everyone who wishes to know themselves on a deeper level.That's why SAME set out on a mission:...To build practice that puts the "SELF" back in "YOURSELF"... create a place that stimulates stillness & introspection...
...and to host a place in the jungles of Panama to retreat to, away from digital noise.
SAME thinks that the future should be something you can look forward to.
Because if you dare take a step out of the ordinary, the future can be amazing. At least, we think so.

Who We Are

SAME WorldWide S.A. (SAME) is an initiative by Samuel van Keeken and Merette van Hijfte. SAME is physically based in Panama and operates both online and in the real world.


Merette van Hijfte (30) is a performance artist, theatremaker, and entrepreneur . Merette's fascinated by the comfort that is to be found in the uncomfortable.


Samuel van Keeken (28) is a performance artist, filmmaker, entrepreneur and aspiring writer. Samuel is driven by the relation between body and mind, and through that demystify the act of Self-Realization.


Contact Us

Reach out to us by sending a mail to [email protected]

Welcome Aboard! now what...?

First, you'll receive an email to confirm that you really want these emails. Without confirming, you won't get any writing exercises!If you don't see the confirmation appear in your inbox, it could have ended up in your spam folder.After you've confirmed, you'll be on your way to start with your 6-day writing adventure.So go ahead and confirm that email :)

You're Confirmed!

And just like that - you're off to the races!
In 5 minutes or so, you'll receive the first introduction email. After that, you'll receive the following emails:
Day 1: Introduction PDF download & exercise #1: Beyond The Money Goggles
Day 3: Exercise #2 - You're The Captain Of Your Fate
Day 4: Exercise #3 - A Letter To Your Future Self
Day 5: Exercise #4 - The Fuck-It List
Day 6: Exercise #5 - A Letter To Your Past Self & wrapping up
Feel free to reach out via [email protected].
We're happy to help you however we can.
‼️Also, it's possible that the emails will still go to your spam folder.
If you're not getting them, be sure to check your spam.

- Samuel & Merette

Discover what you really want out of life

6 Days To Change The Next 10 Years Of Your Life...
...For Free.

One Of The Greatest Philosophical Maxims Is To “Know Thyself.”
That sounds nice and all, but how do you actually get started on this quest?
For This, We've Created SAME's Writing For Life:
a 6-day email sequence outlined to help you uncover:
- How to communicate with your subconsciousness,
- Your real and authentic desires,
- What your specific future can look like,
- What you need to excell into your dreamlife.
What You'll Get
For 6 days, you’ll receive:
✅ An anecdote of how good writing is like good fishing.
✅ 5 simple but transformative writing exercises.
✅ A personal anecdote to inspire you on your journey.
✅ Practical tips to assist you on your writing.
Ready to Start?
All you have to do is sign up to the form below.
You can unsubscribe at any time.